Wednesday, February 10, 2010

first weeks!!

Brooklyn & her big brother Bryson (who absolutly adores her!!)

The first weeks at home were very akward. Although Brooklyn was my second baby it was compleatly different caring for her. I had to pump breast milk because she could not eat anything by mouth, clean all of her tubes, clean her tube site, and learn how to use a machine to feed her, on top of all of the "normal" things that you do to care for a baby. things were very busy the first couple of months with doctors visits (sometimes up to 6 in a week), making sure that prescriptions stayed filled, and trying to keep her from getting sick!! We saw a variety of specialist including a cardiologist, endocrinologist, Infectious disease (to regulate her immune system), genetics, and pediatric surgery, and her pediatrician. With in the first 3 weeks at home she ended up with her first ear infection (and by the time she finished antibiotics a week would pass and another ear infection). I was very worried about how her brother Bryson would take to not being the center of mommy's whole world whenever she came home from the hospital. I was so happy to see that he welcomed her and was happy to have his baby sister at home. After her spending a month in th NICU we were all so thrilled to have her home to be able to hug and kiss and love on her all the time.

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